When there are many clinics claimed they have HIFU treatment, 10D, 12D, 21D HIFU, are you confused?
Firstly, HIFU is not a brand or equipment name, it’s a tape of technology: Hight Intensive Focused Ultrasound. MMHIFU stands for Micro& Macro HIFU, which offers more accuracy and consistency.
Copy machine won’t work as result means high energy and consistency and being precise,
that’s why a lot of people said HIFU doesn’t do anything for them.
How to know if it's the right equipment?
1. When the ads dont mention the Brand name of the HIFU equipment in the public. (Please read how to identify Authentic Ultraformer equipment)
2. They only talk about 12D HIFU, 14D HIFU, 21DHIFU, sounds higher Numbers indicate better technology, but if you ask them what’s D stands for or specific about those 'D's, most won't be able to answer. Additionally, if you ask which brand of equipment they use, they will PM you only.
Here, at Beginning, people call UltraformerIII to 7D HIFU is because it has 7 cartridges that treat 7 different skin Depths, from body to face, compared with the first generation, which only could treat 4 depths of skin (that's 4D HIFU Ultherapy).
The designation does not derive from a single shot creating 11 or 22 dots and then being called 11D or 22D. If that were the case, then the Ultraformer III would be termed 17DHIFU, and the Ultraformer MPT could be called 417DHIFU.
Secondly, the right practitioner.
From some video shared by influencers, there are some operational mistakes.
In short, you should know that when operating HIFU, you always go from the deepest to the superficial layer. For example: 4.5mm -3.0mm-2.0mm, Once you passed through 2.0mm, you shouldn't go back to do 3.0mm in the same area.
Another important point is that only 2.0mm or 1.5mm can go through the forehead and undereye, if your operator uses 3.0mm go over your forehead or temple you should stop them.
The beauty of Ultraformer MPT HIFU treatment is not just see some "Wow" immediate results but also, you'll receive customized treatment because everybody is different (we always measure your skin thickness first) and the experience is definitely matters. make sure the clinic not only have stock before and after images.
Book a Free consultation with the most experienced Ultraformer MPT provider Brisbane now.
